Principle of permanence

Principle of permanence

Principle of permanence

In 1867, the German mathematician Hermann Hankel formatted the principle of preserving the formal laws of calculation -  DoMyHomework  . It says that when a number range is expanded, the arithmetic laws of the starting range should also apply in the expanded range, if possible. This requirement is called the principle of permanence.


In 1867, HERMANN HANKEL formatted the  principle of preserving the formal laws of calculation  . It says that when a number range is expanded, the arithmetic laws of the starting range should also apply in the expanded range, if possible. This requirement is called the principle of permanence -  homework helper geometry  (  permanence  (Latin) - persistence). This is neither an axiom nor a proposition with evidential value, but a methodological principle. Nor can it achieve that all laws of the starting range apply unchanged in the extended range of numbers.

In the crowd  N the natural numbers follows for  c  ≠  0  the end  a  <  b  always
a  ⋅  c  <  b  ⋅  c (  Monotony of  the multiplication with regard to the smaller relation). 
In the crowd Z As is well known, this no longer applies to whole numbers. 
the end a  <  b  follows  a  ⋅  c  <  b  ⋅  c  only if  c  >  0 (positive) is; 
for c < 0 (negative) results a  ⋅  c  >  b  ⋅  c  (Reversal of the relation sign).

At the time of Hankel, a set-theoretical structure of the number ranges was still unknown -  calculus homework solver  . Today one would formulate subset the principle of permanence as a requirement that the new (extended) number range must contain the old (starting range) as a.

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